Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back in the game

It's only 4 in the morn. took a nap earlier this evening while i was trying to put the little one to bed. About to go back to bed.
I am a night owl tried and true. I come from a long line of night owls.
I am a night owl with early bird responsibilities.

Amazing Alvin Ailey Video

My Writing Life:
I am obsessing over my query letter. Read and reread. I have to just send it out. I have two agents in mind. There are so many what ifs but I gotta do this.

Writing a query is nothing like writing fiction.

In the manuscript Papo has lost it and the main character has to confront this hard kinda mean grandmother about her grandfather.

Spring has Sprung: It's been cloudy and rainy the last few days.

While I was getting the mail met a neighbor who is writing childrens books. Wants to meet and talk the writing life.

Visual Arts
: I made a new line of cards. Will post soon.

Kids Korner: Z was rockin' the toilet training now she's kinda regressed a little. She's still only in two diapers a day and when she wakes up from her nap she does not want to keep the diaper on.

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